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Divorce Decree Absolutes - Same Day Search Reinstated for Press

In response to NS representations, the Principal Registry of the Family Division has instructed its counter teams to restore the ‘on the day’ search for divorce decree absolutes for members of the press.

As reported by the Newspaper Society: News editors had become concerned that since the reorganisation and introduction of a single public counter at the Principal Registry of the Family Division, searches were no longer carried out within 24 hours even if an applicant attended in person, but could now take up to 10 working days. Such delays were problematic for the news media, in contrast to the swift and authoritative accuracy checks previously possible, which might be necessary for anything from news reports to obituaries.

HMCTS, Principal Registry of the Family Division, had not been aware of the problem until it was brought to their attention. They have now helpfully written to the NS that, “having regards to the particular needs of the Press, I am pleased to say that any applications for searches made by the Press, where they attend in person and pay the appropriate fee, will be dealt with on the day, providing those applying make it clear that this is a request form a member of the Press.

“Subsequent written confirmation will be provided within a few days as before. The more information and details that applicants can provide to us will make the search process easier and quicker to complete and ensure the correct details are sought from the index.

"I have issued instructions to the counter team today (5 February) with immediate implementation.”

The NS has been invited to let the Principal Registry of the Family Division know if there are any issues as they move forward.