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DMGT unveils reporting suite

DMGT yesterday unveiled its corporate reporting suite for 2012. Included in the reporting suite are the 2011 annual report interactive PDF, a new corporate brochure and video, and a new-look homepage for the company's website,

The 2011 annual report interactive PDF contains a statement from DMGT Chairman Lord Rothermere and DMGT Chief Executive Martin Morgan's review, an overview of the DMGT's performance over the last 12 months and detailed financial information.

Complementing the annual report and adding a further sense of narrative is the new DMGT corporate brochure and video. Case studies from DMGT's broad portfolio of media and information businesses, and an overview of their activities in the last 12 months and beyond, focus on DMGT's four pillars of talent, growth, innovation and efficiency.

"All activity reflects the theme of real-time information and reflects how DMGT produces dynamic and relevant information for our customers," commented Abi Slater, DMGT Group Communications Manager. "We're really excited about the whole suite of tools which are so dynamic and innovative. We have had a great team working on the project including our agency Salter Baxter who led the project creatively, A&N Creative who created the video and the new homepage, and the A&N Media communications team who worked on much of the copy and content."

The new-look homepage features an improved design and layout and, for the first time, draws 'live' data from across DMGT's international portfolio of media and information businesses. Displayed on the page is information from dmg information business Genscape, catastrophe risk modeller RMS, leading A&N Media websites MailOnline and Jobsite, financial data and information business Euromoney Institutional Investor, and dmg events Middle East construction trade exhibition The Big 5.

It is the third year that DMGT has produced a corporate reporting suite and, as in previous years, a network of contacts across DMGT have been instrumental in pulling cases studies together to help to illustrate the story.