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DMGT’s Paul Zwillenburg to step down

Paul Zwillenberg, DMGT’s CEO, and DMGT, have agreed that Paul will be stepping down from the DMGT board and from his role as Group CEO on 30 September 2022.

DMGT’s Paul Zwillenburg to step down
Paul Zwillenberg: “It has been my greatest privilege to have served as CEO and to have played a small part in DMGT’s remarkable story.”

The decision comes after the successful implementation of a strategy Paul put in place on his arrival to create financial flexibility, focus the portfolio and improve operational performance, culminating with DMGT being acquired by RCL at the end of 2021 and subsequently delisted. Now, having successfully delivered on that strategy, Paul has decided that the time is right to step down, says DMGT.

Lord Rothermere said, “DMGT has been transformed under Paul’s leadership, setting the business up for an exciting future on our own terms. The fact he leaves behind a portfolio consisting only of market-leading businesses run by exceptional talent is testament to the integrity, vision and skill he brought to the role. I am immensely grateful to him for everything he has done over his six and a half years as CEO, as a partner and as a friend.

“During Paul’s time as CEO he refocused the portfolio, putting us on a firm financial footing so we could take the company private, while driving technology modernisation throughout and championing the role of the free press in a rapidly evolving digital news ecosystem. I am absolutely delighted that he has agreed to stay on in the capacity of Senior Advisor to support me and the company as we look to the future.”

Paul Zwillenberg said, “I am immensely proud of what we have achieved for the company, the Rothermere family and shareholders. DMGT is an exceptional business with exceptional people. It has been my greatest privilege to have served as CEO and to have played a small part in DMGT’s remarkable story.

“I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Lord Rothermere for his unwavering support. His vision, intuition and courage are unparalleled. Looking to the future, I know that under family ownership DMGT will continue to push boundaries on behalf of its consumers, customers and partners for decades to come.”

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