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Graham Stafford leaves the Fed

The Federation of Independent Retailers has announced that its Chief Operating Officer Graham Stafford has left the business.

Graham Stafford leaves the Fed
Muntazir Dipoti: “We are very grateful to Graham for the great support he has given to members and staff during the 14 months that he was with the Fed."

Commenting on his departure, the Fed’s National President Muntazir Dipoti said: “We are very grateful to Graham for the great support he has given to members and staff during the 14 months that he was with the Fed.

“We would like to thank him for his contribution, and we wish him all the best for the future.”

Mr Stafford took up the position on July 4 and was based at the Fed’s head office in Durham.

The Fed says Mr Dipoti will look after Mr Stafford’s duties while a decision is taken on the future leadership of the Fed.

Graham Stafford has left the Fed. Photograph: Supplied by the Fed.
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