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Editorial changes at the FT

The Financial Times yesterday announced the appointment of Alec Russell as FT Weekend editor and Peter Spiegel as news editor, effective in April.

Current FT Weekend editor Caroline Daniel is leaving the Financial Times to join Brunswick Group.

The appointments come in an important year for FT journalism, with the news agenda ranging from the UK referendum on Europe, the US presidential election, disruption in technology and finance, and the slowing Chinese economy. They reinforce FT Weekend’s prime position as a source of news and comment for an increasingly digital audience, says the FT.

FT editor Lionel Barber said: “Alec’s leadership of the FT newsroom has been a driving force in the development of new types of journalism and formats. He is an outstanding writer and editor whose creative approach will boost FT Weekend's appeal to our global audience.”

“Peter’s coverage of the eurozone and Greek debt crises, and his acute news sense have earned him a worldwide reputation. His return to London comes at a time when the global news agenda is more intense than ever."

He continued: “I want to thank Caroline for her significant contribution for almost two decades, in the UK and the U.S where she served as a distinguished foreign correspondent. As weekend FT editor she has maintained its reputation for eclectic, smart writing as well as a forum for ideas, culture and debate for a global audience."

The FT’s news editor since 2012, Russell has led the FT’s coverage around a number of award-winning reporting initiatives, including the Silver Economy and Big Tech at Bay series, which won the ‘Best Business Team’ prize at the 2015 Press Awards. He joined the FT in 2006 as the Johannesburg bureau chief and has since been both comment and analysis editor and world news editor. His journalism has earned him awards for coverage of the Iraq War, the Balkans wars and business in Africa. He is the author of Prejudice and Plum Brandy (1993), Big Men, Little People: The Leaders Who Defined Africa (1999) and After Mandela: Battle for the Soul of South Africa (2009).

Spiegel, the FT’s Brussels bureau chief since 2010, has been named one of the most influential journalists in Europe. His coverage of the Greek debt crisis and his account of the eurozone crisis in the series How The Euro Was Saved have consistently topped the most-read topics on this decade, says the FT. In 2012, 2013 and 2015 Spiegel and his team won recognition for their eurozone coverage at the Society of American Business Editors and Writers.

Spiegel first joined the FT in its Washington bureau in 1999, where he was co-winner of the UK's highest journalism honour, a 2003 British Press Award, for his coverage of the Arthur Andersen accounting scandal. Ahead of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Spiegel became the FT's defence correspondent, traveling frequently to Iraq and Afghanistan to cover the ongoing conflicts. He covered the December 2003 capture of Saddam Hussein from Tikrit (going so far as to climb into the hole Saddam hid in).

During her distinguished 17-year career at the FT, Caroline Daniel spent the last six years editing the FT Weekend edition. She oversaw the relaunch of FT Magazine in 2010, and the launch of the FT Weekend web app and a new brand campaign in 2014. Alongside her role as FT Weekend editor, Daniel has been consulting editor to FT Live. Prior to this she held the positions of comment and analysis editor, White House correspondent, Chicago correspondent and technology correspondent. She was voted one of the most connected women of 2014.

A new bureau chief in Brussels will be announced in due course.