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Editors confirmed for Scottish and Irish Sun

Deputies Alan Muir and Kieran McDaid have been appointed Sun editors after successful stints in an acting editor role.

Muir is named as Editor of The Scottish Sun. He brings a wealth of experience to the role having first joined the paper as a casual reporter in 1987. Since then he has worked as a sub, investigative reporter, news editor and deputy editor.

Alan said: “I’m looking forward to taking The Scottish Sun into the next exciting chapter. The market’s tough, but we can still give our readers the very best journalism thanks to a brilliant Scottish team. And hopefully have fun along the way.”

McDaid has been named as Editor of The Irish Sun. He was previously Irish editor of the Press Association, Irish Independent deputy news editor, assistant editor of the Irish News of the World and deputy editor at The Irish Sun.

Kieran said: “I’m proud to lead the fantastic team in The Irish Sun and excited to work with colleagues across the business to secure more success.

“There are many challenges ahead but the demand for compelling editorial is stronger than ever and I’m confident we will continue to deliver the best content, satisfy our readers and outperform our rivals.”

They became acting editors after Gordon Smart moved from Glasgow to London as The Sun deputy editor and Paul Clarkson switched from Dublin to London as managing editor of the News UK title.