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Guardian invests in Brent Hoberman's tech startup incubator

The publisher of the Guardian has invested in Founders Factory, a company that funds technology startups across a range of industries launched by co-founder Brent Hoberman.

Under the exclusive deal, Guardian Media Group, the parent company of the Guardian and Observer, becomes the exclusive partner for Founders Factory investments in businesses in the media sector.

“This strategic investment gives GMG the opportunity to bring emerging technology trends into our own business and culture, giving us access to a global network of start-ups and the chance to get in early with possible commercial opportunities,” said chief executive, David Pemsel.

Hoberman, who recently stepped down from the GMG board after nine years, says the aim of Founders Factory is to develop as many as 200 early stage technology companies over the next five years.

“We’re really excited to be announcing this partnership with the Guardian – one of the world’s most instinctively digital, innovative and ambitious news organisations,” he said. “We will benefit from their strength, reach and institutional knowledge right across the media sector while they will be able to tap into our ability to develop truly innovative products and introduce them to the most exciting thought leaders in technology.”

In June, Founders Factory struck a similar deal with Holtzbrinck, the Stuttgart-based owner of publishing house Macmillan, with a focus on education technology ventures.

Holtzbrinck also put several education technology ventures into the company including Maths Doctor, an online tutoring service set up by former investment banker Simon Walsh.

Hoberman and Jonnie Goodwin, founder of tech-focused merchant bank Lepe Partners, set up Founders Forum, a community for entrepreneurs, in 2006.

Founders Factory, which is affiliated to Founders Forum, says it provides “the funding to operate, the freedom to innovate and the execution support to overcome critical hurdles, all surrounded by a huge network of potential partners, investors and clients.”