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Haymarket accelerates commitment to Impact Climate Action targets

Haymarket’s UK tech team has extended IT kit lifespan, introduced an e-waste bin and continues a donation scheme of old equipment, accelerating their commitment to Haymarket’s Impact Climate Action targets.

Haymarket accelerates commitment to Impact Climate Action targets
Richard Harding: “I am incredibly proud of the IT Operations team for their passion and expertise in driving sustainability initiatives."

In July 2023, Haymarket published its first ever Global Environment Policy, setting out Climate Action goals against its Impact agenda, including commitments to sustainability in technology.

To progress with its targets, Haymarket says the UK tech team has extended the contract for office printers in its Twickenham HQ, to increase the lifespan of them all by a further two years. Haymarket also commits to reducing office colour printing by at least 50% in the next year.

To help minimise the environmental trend of discarding electronics in favour of the latest model, Haymarket’s UK tech team is refurbishing and extending the life of its electronic equipment including laptops, to at least four years, added the publisher.

Richard Harding, chief technology officer at Haymarket said: “I am incredibly proud of the IT Operations team for their passion and expertise in driving sustainability initiatives. Through their innovative and creative problem-solving approach, they have not only shown tremendous commitment but also illustrated how even small changes can make a significant difference. I am truly excited about how prioritising the IT Impact Goals will propel us to achieve even greater sustainability excellence.”

Globally, 40 million tons of e-waste is generated every year – the equivalent to discarding 800 laptops every second, continued the publisher. That’s why Haymarket’s tech services team have introduced an e-waste bin in its HQ as a collection point for old and broken headsets, as well as any other computer accessories.

Haymarket’s aim is to refurbish 40% of its headsets in the UK so they can be used again within the business. The remaining electrical waste will be given to professional services for recycling, and when electronic equipment has reached the end of its life, Haymarket ensures it doesn’t contribute to overflowing landfills. Instead, it is donated to Computers for Africa, a non-profit charity that provides computer and laptop donations to schools and education centres in Africa.

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