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Homeward bound

Is stipulating where readers must receive their copy of a magazine still a tenable position for B2B publishers?

By James Evelegh

Homeward bound

In the world of B2B controlled circulation publishing, the idea of sending a copy to a home address was anathema.

It had to be delivered to a work address, because that’s where work was done and where there was a greater chance of picking up pass-on readership which allowed publishers to claim a readership far in excess of their actual circulation.

Then along came Covid and everyone started working from home.

The pandemic proved that people could be trusted to work remotely, and even though many offices are now reopening, some have closed for good as companies decide that remote working is the future. Other companies are opting for hybrid models where staff only spend part of the week in the office.

In this context, is telling people where they should receive their copy really a sensible approach?

The other shift, which long predates Covid, is the concept of giving readers the choice. Delivering content to readers, where they want it, when they want it and how they want it is one of the tenets of modern publishing.

The reader decides, not the publisher.

Since the first lockdown, we’ve given readers of InPublishing magazine the option of receiving their copy at home and set up a special landing page for readers to give us their home address details, even though our registration page continued to stipulate ‘company address’.

Well, we’ve now redesigned our registration page (much more work than it sounds), so readers can now specify where they want their copy sent when they register.

If you’re a recipient of the magazine and would like to get your copy sent to your home address, then please can you register again here. (If we’re already sending it to your home, there’s no need to register again.)

If you’re not currently a recipient, but would like to be, then please register using the same link.

Our next issue includes a special extended feature on ‘New subscriber acquisition’, looking at trends and best practice. Not to be missed…

You can catch James Evelegh’s regular column in the InPubWeekly newsletter, which you can register to receive here.