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Incisive completes 10-month rebuild project

Incisive Media has marked the culmination of its 10-month, 20-site digital upgrade project with the relaunch of

The project saw Incisive relaunch all its editorial sites onto a new responsive template to reflect growing mobile traffic and a demand for slicker, more engaging digital products, says the company.

Cover serves the UK life assurance sector. Life assurance is at the forefront of mobile product development – including wearable technology – and the impact it is having on measurement of health and wellbeing. has been rebuilt from the ground up, surfacing content and ads faster across all devices and ensuring users get a consistent user experience on desktop, mobile and tablet.

It complements Cover’s existing smartphone app, which has also been refreshed to reflect the editorial site’s new look and feel.

“Our focus on mobile resonates strongly with the forces that are shaping life assurance going forward, particularly wearable tech,” says Cover publisher Rachel Calvert. “The new site and app show that we are in tune with our audience’s requirements and they place us neatly to deliver relevant commercial solutions.”

The new Cover site was built by Incisive’s in-house user experience team, with significant input from brand and user research.

The 10-month project was delivered on schedule – an impressive feat across 20 different products – reflecting Incisive’s focus on digital product management and a clear strategic vision for the future of the business, says Incisive.