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Incisive staff engage management in live webinar

Incisive Media staff took the opportunity of questioning the company's senior management in a live online programme broadcast last week.

Hundreds of staff in Incisive Media's London offices in Soho and Haymarket were joined by colleagues in Hong Kong to watch the 45 minute programme live, while New York staff were able to watch it when they arrived at the office in the morning their time, having had the opportunity to email their questions in advance.

Taking part in the broadcast from the company's own state-of-the-art studios in Soho were Tim Weller (Chief Executive), James Hanbury (Group Mananging Director) and Jamie Campbell-Harris (Chief Financial Officer) with Group Editorial Director Lawrence Gosling hosting the show. The broadcast was made using the On24 live webinar platform that allows people to pre-register for programmes and to log-on in order to watch them and participate in the discussions by posting questions and comments live.

The management team used the programme to bring staff up-to-date on the overall health of the company, its investment plans and the “solid progress” it is making on the digital front. There were questions from the staff about how Incisive Media is progressing with delivering content on iPads and other tablets, training, recruitment and staff development, as well as the inevitable enquiry about pay rises.

The programme was a pilot as an alternative to inviting 600-700 staff to a large scale presentation in a West End theatre which has been the company's preferred method for communicating important "all staff" messages in recent years. It has invited feedback from the staff on the programme, including on style, content and frequency.

(Picture shows, left to right, Lawrence Gosling, Tim Weller and James Hanbury listening to Jamie Campbell-Harris.)