Peter Rigby, CEO of Informa, said, “We want CR to be seen as ‘what the group stands for’ and for this to be reflected in good social behaviour. We also want to ensure we are all pushing in the same direction, so that wherever we are in the world, all our stakeholders including community partners, customers and our staff know what CR means at Informa.”
Emma Blaney, Informa’s new Group HR and CR Director, added, “In 2010, our global and diverse business divisions appointed senior CR Representatives to work with the central Group CR function.
“This strategy allows CR to run through the business in a way that is highly meaningful, while sharing best practice in areas of similarity. To mirror this, the CR report is grouped by business type – the different sections highlight initiatives that are most relevant to each.”
Employees across the entire Group pull together three times a year for Informa’s “Be Involved” initiatives. These include raising money for the World Cancer Research Fund by “Going Bananas” in fun runs; taking stock of environmental impacts and progress during “Green Week” and encouraging partnerships with charities and volunteering in “Stop! For the Community”.
“The combination of these approaches allow our CR and business objectives to be interwoven. They are a great reminder that, as a Group, we have a huge amount of enthusiasm and desire to engage at an individual, personal level,” said Blaney.