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Informa announces new Chair

Informa has confirmed the appointment of John Rishton as the next Chair of the Informa Group, succeeding Derek Mapp.

Informa announces new Chair
John Rishton, Chairman-Elect, Informa PLC.

Mr Rishton, who has extensive international executive experience, brings significant non-executive Board experience to the role from his time on the Board of Unilever, as Chair-elect at Serco, and his period as Chair of the Audit Committee and Non-Executive Director at Informa.

He will take over as Chair at the Annual General Meeting in June 2021, allowing for a managed handover period.

In June, Gill Whitehead, who has served on Informa’s Audit Committee over the last year, will take over from John Rishton as Chair of the Audit Committee.

Derek Mapp, Chairman, Informa PLC, said: “The appointment of John Rishton as my successor follows an extensive search process by the Nominations Committee. John was the outstanding candidate on account of his significant Non-Executive and international Executive experience, as well as his appreciation and understanding of Informa’s businesses and, importantly, its culture.”

He added: “We have agreed a handover period that allows for the completion of the year-end process and announcement of Informa’s 2020 Full Year Results, after which I will hand over to John as Chair of the Informa Group.”

John Rishton, Chairman-Elect, Informa PLC, said: “I am honoured to have been asked to succeed Derek Mapp as Chair of Informa and I look forward to working with the Board, Stephen and the Leadership Team to support the next stage of the Company’s development.”

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