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John Brown launches Bursary Scheme in South Africa

With the shortage of skills in the media space in South Africa, both in print and digital, John Brown has decided to tackle the issue head-on.

In keeping with their commitment to skills development and further education, the company will be awarding 40 tertiary bursaries to South African students with plans to roll out the scheme in Dubai, Hong Kong and the UK in the coming year, says John Brown.

“Our aim with this bursary is to open up opportunities and help realise the ambitions of some of South Africa’s extremely talented students,” explains Andrew Hirsch, CEO John Brown.

The scheme is open to South African citizen students who are in their second or third year, or who are continuing their studies in an honours programme, who have excellent academic results, outstanding written and verbal communication skills, a “burning passion for their field and who have unstoppable ambition and diligence”.

The John Brown team boasts some of the finest creative professionals across the globe and they’re proud to declare that “our people are our greatest asset” and at the heart of the company is a culture of nurturing talent, says the company.

In the UK John Brown has developed an extensive paid internship programme that’s seen 7 interns, so far, gain full time positions covering creative and other disciplines within the company. They also offer work placements from 16yrs upwards, giving invaluable work experience and insight for young people considering work in the creative and content marketing sector.

This year the company kick-started a staff exchange programme with their South African office, which will be extended to Dubai and Hong Kong next year.

Director of HR, Savita Mandil expands “With our business growing globally it’s important for our staff to gain a flare for the business internationally. This progamme has not only achieved that but is also proving invaluable in improving pan-company communication. The exchange is for 2 weeks and within that time you can see team members returning with new creative experiences, greater skills sets and a more global perspective – I like to call it GLOCAL!”