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Johnston Press Experiences Rapid Growth in Smartphone Usage

Johnston Press has revealed a surge in readers accessing its digital products via smartphones and tablets and the publisher forecasts that 75 per cent of digital users will be doing so by 2020.

As reported by the Newspaper Society: Printed local newspapers remain key to the publisher’s strategy and the trusted brands should be allied to current and developing technologies to make the most of new opportunities, the publisher’s annual report said.

Digital advertising revenues had grown by 12 per cent growth year-on-year, making up 10 per cent of the publisher’s advertising revenues. That figure is expected to increase to 50 per cent by 2020.

Within digital revenues, employment grew by 6 per cent. A third of Johnston Press’ 10 million digital users had accessed via their phones and tablets, up from 5 per cent of online users in 2011, and the publisher was forecasting 50 per cent of all visits to have come from mobile in 2015 and 75 per cent in 2020.

Overall aggregate audience across print, online and mobile increased by 11 per cent with mobile reaching over two million users.

The report quotes findings from the NS Loving Local research project which shows that 74 per cent of people spend half or more money within five miles of home and 80 per cent spend half or more of their time within five miles of home

Ashley Highfield (pictured), Johnston Press, said: “Our work to adapt our business to the changing environment in which we operate continues and we must be increasingly nimble and responsive to the demands it places on us. In the face of an economic outlook which remains difficult we will focus on getting our offering right in order to develop the Group and return it to growth.

“Our trusted local newspapers and brands remain key in doing this, and must be allied to the best use of both current and developing technology and the opportunities they can create for us.

“The demand for information about the communities in which people work and live has never been greater and we remain exceptionally well placed to serve that demand. The demand from advertisers to reach those communities in a targeted and cost-effective manner also grows. We are on a clear journey to become the ‘one-stop shop’ for advertisers and readers across all media in the communities we serve.”