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Key promotions at the Telegraph

The Telegraph, as part of its “accelerated transformation plan”, has announced some key new promotions.

Chris Evans, while remaining editor of The Daily Telegraph, also takes on the role of Director of Content, with responsibility for output across all platforms, digital and print. He reports to Jason Seiken, chief content officer and editor in chief.

Allister Heath, deputy editor of The Telegraph with responsibility for business output, becomes Deputy Director of Content.

Robert Winnett, deputy editor of The Telegraph with responsibility for news output, also becomes Deputy Director of Content.

Allister and Robert will report into Chris Evans, as will other senior Editorial executives including Ian MacGregor, editor of the weekend papers and Lifestyle, Richard Ellis, director of transformation & talent, Kate Day, director of digital content, and Gregg Stewart, director of audience development.

Jason Seiken, chief content officer and editor in chief, is taking on additional responsibilities, working with Finbarr Ronayne, the chief financial officer, leading the future strategy and direction of TMG – reporting to Murdoch MacLennan.

Jason Seiken said: “Chris Evans, has long been a driving force behind our editorial operation, and this new role confers on him the authority and leadership he displays daily on the newsroom floor and is a promotion he thoroughly deserves.

“As I concentrate on my new enhanced role, which involves identifying important new business opportunities for TMG, I am confident that Chris will continue to improve our content offering across web, mobile, tablet and print, ably assisted by Allister Heath, Robert Winnett and the rest of the senior team.”