According to distributors COMAG: “Aimed at those growing on the allotment, vegetable patch or simply with a few pots on the patio, Kitchen Garden is Britain’s most popular magazine for gardeners who love to grow their own fruit and vegetables.
With one hundred packed pages every month and regularly offering free gifts, Kitchen Garden has everything readers need to know about growing their own crops successfully; from sowing and growing to harvesting, storing and cooking, as well as dealing with the occasional pest and disease along the way.
From the April issue, Kitchen Garden has been completely redesigned, with a bright, colourful and inspiring new look to the cover, which will give it greater on-shelf presence, designed to grab immediate attention and hold the interest of the reader.
According to the Editor, Kitchen Garden may have been accused of hiding its light under a bushel (“or our home-grown goodies under a trug”), but no longer. The new look cover will give more detail about promotions, features, articles and competitions in a better, clearer way, highlighting the bigger savings and giveaways, including the addition of two packets of free seeds for every reader.
Inside, the magazine has been completely redesigned using new fonts and a new colour palette to give it a greater appeal for readers. For those with less time to read whole features in a single sitting, Kitchen Garden will now include more pullout boxes, bullet points and top tips to and encourage browsing. Since a picture can say a thousand words, more space has been allowed for images, while at the same time, great pains have been taken not to cut any of the detail for which the title is known and loved by its loyal readers.
As Editor Steve Ott says: “There is little point in producing such fantastic content every month, if we don't shout about it. The new design ensures that the magazine is even more accessible to a wider audience of beginner gardeners, while allowing us to retain every little nugget of information that is so valued by our existing loyal readership year after year.””