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Launch: Critical Power magazine

ESPL, publishers of Batteries, Energy Storage Technology Magazine (BEST), is launching Critical Power magazine in March 2012.

The new quarterly title, available in both print and digital formats, will cover standby, emergency and uninterruptible power technologies that ensure lights are kept on, computers charged and cash tills operational whether for industrial, commercial, data centres, medical or any other application.

With global power consumption set to leap to 20 trillion kilowatt hours by 2015, there is a massive shortfall in supply making power outages an inevitable occurrence. To function in an ever demanding economy, industry needs to keep ahead of the options available, say the publishers.

Critical Power magazine will follow industry trends closely, keeping readers fully up to date with the latest technological developments in the critical power industry. The magazine will be packed with news, technical features, market reports and interviews with industry figures to provide consolidated coverage of what’s important in the critical power industry, from generators to uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems, to energy storage systems.

Commenting on the launch of Critical Power, publisher Gerry Woolf said: “This economically critical sector of the technology market is currently undervalued and underserved by by existing media and yet it is critical power - gensets, UPS systems and batteries - that will dictate the success or failure of future economies - more so than any bailout packages!

An upsurge in demand expected for all these technologies in both the developed and developing world will make Critical Power an important tool in keeping key decision makers informed of new developments.” 

Edited by Tim Probert, Critical Power will be a 64 page A4 size magazine with a controlled international circulation and a strong on-line opt-in format. The first issue will carry a focus piece on the Middle East with a report on the Middle East Electricity Show.