According to distributors COMAG Specialist: “Most young girls love ponies, but for many of them, the dream of owning one themselves is not a realistic ambition. For all others, learning about them, is as close they will ever get.
Aimed at 4-7-year old girls who are mad about ponies, every issue of Pony World will be a 32-page magazine packed full of pony stories and adventures, great horse puzzles, magical pony posters, colour-me-ins, quizzes and lots of other pony activities and fun.
Pony World will appeal to both those young girls who may be horse riders or are just simply fascinated by the world of ponies and want to learn more about them.
Every issue of Pony World will carry free gifts that young girls will enjoy, with issue No.1 bagged with 23 great goodies, including lipgloss, body gems, rings and tattoo.
The launch issue will also feature a competition to win a My Little Pony Ponyville playset.”