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London Evening Standard announces senior editorial promotions

The London Evening Standard has strengthened its editorial team with a number of senior appointments.

James Major has been appointed Head of Sport for the Evening Standard. James who joined the paper as Sports Editor at the beginning of the year will lead the Standard’s integrated print and online sports team working closely with Digital Sports Editor Richard Parry who continues to oversee

Karen Dacre has been promoted to Fashion Editor/Associate Features Editor; she will be supported by Emma McCarthy who is promoted to Deputy Fashion and Beauty Editor; Susannah Butter also steps up to Deputy Features Editor and Rachael Sigee becomes Features Writer. The team is headed up by Features Editor Lucy Hunter Johnston.

Sarah Sands, Editor, London Evening Standard said: “We have an outstanding team at the Evening Standard and our continuing aim is to produce the best journalism, in print and online. I’m delighted to announce these promotions which will further strengthen our sports and features teams.”