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Lumi partners with Cint to build mobile-first panel

Lumi, a global leader in real-time audience insight technology, recently announced that it has formed a strategic partnership with Cint, the global panel marketplace platform provider.

The partnership looks to create the largest mobile-first panel by combining Lumi’s mobile research platform and Cint’s panel marketplace (15 million people) platform, says Cint.

The joint product offering will give researchers access to authentic mobile panelists and the chance to take advantage of the benefits offered by a mobile first approach such as geo-fencing, offline completion, in app notifications and faster insights.

In addition to Cint’s extensive network, clients can expect new mobile-only sources of panelists as a result of the partnership. This will benefit those wanting to undertake truly mobile first, in-the-moment market research.

“This partnership can lead to a solution that the market clearly wants but no one is fulfilling,” said Richard Taylor, CEO of Lumi. “We have to accept that there are many areas of market research where simply trying to shoehorn mobile into traditional online, PC-first methodologies is not working. We are excited to leverage our powerful research platform with Cint’s impressive technology and access to its global panel. We look forward to working with those who are seeking a technology platform built for mobile first, but which can also accommodate PC and online. Together, we’ll set a new standard for high-quality mobile research data collection.”

Speaking of the partnership, Morten Strand, CEO of Cint, said, “We know the future of research needs to harness mobile, and we’re happy to join Lumi in making our shared vision of a mobile-first panel a reality. Mobile is so much more than mobile adapted surveys, and we believe innovative and scalable mobile capabilities will drive opportunities for both panel owners and Market Research Agencies with their end clients.”