To more accurately reflect the authorship, readership and influence of peer reviewers from all over the world, the journal will change from “British” in its title to the International Journal of Developmental Disabilities.
The journal will also increase in frequency from two to three issues per year in Volume 58 (2012). Current contents, together with a 20-year archive, will be made available online via ingentaconnect, where subscribers can access the full text as well as table of contents alerts and linked article references via CrossRef.
Celebrating 60 years of excellence - the first issue of the journal was published in 1952, the founding principles and purpose of the journal will continue to guide editorial selection as they remain as relevant today as ever. “The spirit of the journal will stay true to founder and original editor, Dr H C Gunzburg’s, vision,” says Brian Salmons, who will continue as Editor of the journal. “Namely, the publication of papers that take a multidisciplinary approach and that have practical application to improve the well-being of people with developmental learning disabilities. It is fitting and symbolic that so many years after its inception in 1954 the journal is now entering another exciting new phase.”
The journal places great emphasis on the practical implications of the work of educationalists, instructors, nurses, occupational and other therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers, whether taking place in a hospital setting or in community care.
Gaynor Redvers-Mutton, Business Development Manager at Maney, believes “the strong publishing history of the journal and the loyalty it has inspired amongst readers, professionals and researchers provides a solid base from which to evolve, and, with the support and infrastructure Maney can offer, to grow.”