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Mirror editor-in-chief to step down

Reach has announced that Mirror Editor-in-Chief Alison Phillips has decided to step down from her role at the end of the month with Caroline Waterston stepping into the Mirror editor position on an interim basis.

Mirror editor-in-chief to step down
Caroline Waterston: “I’m looking forward to returning to the Mirror and to working with the team to build on their success during this critical and exciting time for the brand.”

Reach says Alison took up the position in 2018, having been in the business since 1998 when she started as a Sunday People feature writer.

During her editorship, the Mirror was named newspaper of the year at the London Press Club awards and broke agenda-setting stories, including the Dominic Cummings Barnard Castle scandal and the first Partygate exclusives, which transformed the UK political landscape, as well as dozens of entertainment exclusives including Fiona Phillips’ dementia diagnosis. Reach says other highlights during her tenure include special editions devoted to climate change and homelessness, as well as dozens of campaigns, successfully changing laws on dangerous dogs and reversing ticket office closures.

Alison Phillips said: "The Mirror is one of the finest news brands on earth with an extraordinary team that I will miss forever. I will always be beyond proud to be part of a team which showed each day that great journalism can be done with kindness, and be a voice for the decent, compassionate people of this country. I wish everyone there all the very best for a brilliant future.”

Reach Chief Executive Jim Mullen commented: “Alison’s dedication to the Mirror and its audience has seen her lead a very successful period for the title. She has been a much respected and valued colleague and we all wish her well in her next steps.”

Caroline Waterston, editor-in-chief for Reach magazines and supplements, will step into the Mirror editor position on an interim basis.

Caroline said: “I’m looking forward to returning to the Mirror and to working with the team to build on their success during this critical and exciting time for the brand.”

Reach Chief Executive Jim Mullen commented: “Caroline’s many years of senior editorial experience at our national titles, as well as a track record in leading our magazines through a major digital shift, make her well-placed to take on this important role at this time.”

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