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Multilocal launches sustainable PMP solution

Multilocal has rolled out CarbonSmart and partners with carbon intelligence platform Cedara to validate campaign performance.

Multilocal launches sustainable PMP solution
Fern Potter: “We wanted to offer an innovative curation product that allows campaign managers to reach their sustainability goals without compromising on performance.”

Digital advertising company, Multilocal, has announced the launch of its CarbonSmart solution to deliver high-performance, low-emission ad campaigns, validated by carbon intelligence platform, Cedara.

Traditionally, within a Private Marketplace (PMP), each single impression generates millions of ad calls from the publisher and millions of bid requests from the SSP. In total, trillions of bid transactions occur every day. In a world where a typical online ad campaign emits ca. 5.4 tons of carbon dioxide, every impression counts, added the company.

As the IAB explains, although measurement of carbon emissions in digital advertising is still nascent, now is the time to test, learn and evolve.

By using win-rate match technology to eliminate unnecessary bid transactions within the PMP, Multilocal claims it is able to deliver an average of 80% fewer carbon emissions per campaign, while increasing performance.

Curation itself can drive campaign performance, reducing ad wastage through packaging relevant data, supply and media from the open marketplace into scalable PMPs. It can also successfully identify sites generating less than 1kg of carbon per month across all markets and verticals. Additionally, powered by Multilocal’s Active Curation process, CarbonSmart eliminates unnecessary bid requests, maintaining impression delivery and performance while reducing carbon emissions.

In partnership with Cedara, the level of carbon reduction achieved by this optimisation technology can be measured by relating the kilobyte value of each data transfer eliminated with its associated carbon emission.

Fern Potter, VP product and partnerships at Multilocal, says: “Advertisers, agencies and SSPs are understandably concerned at the level of carbon emissions being generated through programmatic ad campaigns - which is currently equivalent to 1.09 grams of CO2 for each impression. We wanted to offer an innovative curation product that allows campaign managers to reach their sustainability goals without compromising on performance. In fact, by eliminating unnecessary bid transactions and streamlining the supply chain, CarbonSmart delivers even higher performance than before.”

Potter adds: “A lot of vendors charge for their green credentials, but in today’s eco-minded industry, why shouldn’t campaign managers enjoy both performance and sustainability? That’s why we’ve made lower carbon emissions a standard part of active curation. And by partnering with Cedara, which has recently launched its own Reduction Marketplace, we can be confident in our efforts to help our customers become more sustainable.”

Eric Shih, chief operating officer at Cedara, says: “Sadly, we’ve seen an increase in ‘green-hushing’ in recent years to protect against perceptions of greenwashing. But for companies offering truly sustainable innovations, it’s important to shout about the value these products are bringing to the industry.”

Shih continues: “Our strength lies in enabling companies to accurately measure their efforts as they help reduce corporate and supply chain emissions. So it was our pleasure to partner with Multilocal to help validate the carbon emission-lowering capabilities of their product as they begin to move the needle on sustainable advertising.”

Multilocal says CarbonSmart is currently being tested among its customers with successful results across display and video.

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