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New look for BBC Focus Magazine

BBC Focus Magazine has revealed a new look in their February issue, with a cleaner, smarter design and more spectacular photography.

The redesigned magazine, on-sale now, incorporates a cleaner, easier to read design, including a new mast-head and a greater emphasis and use of impactful imagery.

According to the publishers, other changes include:

* Innovations – a new section at the front of the magazine with the latest technological innovations that will shape tomorrow.

* Out There – a monthly guide to the best science books, TV shows and days out

* Science in the City – a travel feature asking key scientists to share the secrets of their home city, starting with mathematician Cédric Villani on his favourite haunts in Lyon.

* Comedian and co-presenter of BBC Radio 4’s The Infinite Monkey Cage, Robin Ince joins BBC Focus as a regular columnist getting to grips with some of the biggest ideas in science each month.

Plus there’s all the latest science news, features and an expanded Q&A section, to answer life’s most puzzling questions, say the publishers.

Daniel Bennett, BBC Focus Editor, says: “For the last six months we’ve been in the lab, experimenting on a new look for our beloved magazine. Like any good experiment, this process all began with some in-depth research, and this new look issue is the end result. Our mission was to create the ultimate magazine for curious minds. A title that inspires a sense of wonder and makes you feel smart. As a specialist magazine, we wanted to deliver this with passion, clarity and wit, in the hope of starting lifelong interests in our readers."

BBC Focus Magazine February issue is on-sale now priced £4.30.