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New vjoon K4 Release to Kick Off the New Year

The latest version of K4 features a powerful Lucene-based, full-text search engine that extends the platform's built-in digital asset management (DAM) capability.

vjoon, a leader in software for professional digital content management, has released the new Version 6.7 of the cross-media publishing platform vjoon K4. This latest version boosts the software's integrated DAM capabilities with a high-performance search engine and lazy loading so that extensive search results are ranked by relevance and displayed on the fly. This enables users to view at a glance all pertinent hits immediately. "Blazing fast and combinable with many filters, this full-text query makes users' jobs so much easier,” says vjoon GmbH CEO Andreas Schrader. "We are persistently pursuing our product strategy in keeping with the Unified Publishing Process and implementing many of the prevailing features of classic DAM systems directly in vjoon K4.” Visitors to the international vjoonity, the vjoon K4 user conference, were treated to an exclusive preview of this new version in late November of last year.

The vastly improved search engine is certainly this release's most prominent feature. As of this version, vjoon K4 queries are powered by the Apache Software Foundation's popular Lucene engine. It searches all publishing content – layouts, images, text objects and metadata – in a matter of seconds. Powerful and application-specific, this engine was customized by vjoon to meet the needs of the vjoon K4 cross-media publishing platform. Its full-text capability may be combined with the familiar filters from previous versions to fine-tune searches, for example, in specific output channels or departments as well as by author, date and many criteria. The Lucene engine is able to scan even the largest databases in seconds flat, which is why Wikipedia relies on its performance. The new vjoon K4 search engine was tested extensively in large publishing databases during the development phase. As it turns out, Lucene delivers results within seconds even when searching databases containing over 40 million entries, says vjoon.

What's more, hits are ranked according to a relevance criterion as of this version. Content containing more frequent mentions of the keywords are presented first to the user. In addition, a stemming algorithm extends the query to encompass all variations on the root of the keyword used in the search. These root morpheme-based searches can also be employed for language-specific purposes, which is particularly convenient for users who work with multilingual data sets and reuse content in multiple languages.

The manner in which search results are displayed has also been revised. As of this version, a technique called lazy loading ensures hits are displayed much faster when scrolling. With the benefit of this feature, only those hits shown in the search window are loaded and displayed. Residual data will only be loaded if they are to be displayed in the search window. This pares the data stream down to the essentials, lightens the server's computing load and presents results that much faster. Lazy loading is particularly effective when searching for images and layouts because the computing effort and volume of loaded data are reduced to a point where loading time is practically imperceptible.


This release is available now to vjoon integration partners. It will be rolled out to customers worldwide pursuant to a coordinated schedule.