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Newspaper printing: 5 minutes with… Andy Jones

Publishers have lots of design and print options to help their newspapers stand out from the crowd. We grab five minutes with Andy Jones of Reach Printing Services to hear about some of the opportunities.

By Andy Jones

Newspaper printing: 5 minutes with… Andy Jones

Q: For newspaper publishers looking to innovate, what options do they have?

A: The options available to a publisher are many and varied; the key question is what is the publisher trying to achieve? Whether they are trying to provide an advertiser with a different approach to highlight a new product launch or price offer or they are just trying to publish a standout publication that differs from its competitors, both of these can be achieved as easily through design as it can through the introduction of print innovations.

That said, most newspaper printers can offer help when it’s needed, with options that include scented ink designed to expose a reader’s senses to a familiar smell, translucent wraps or glossy covers to highlight text or reflect a special occasion. Voucher ribbons and leaflets, booklets or standalone supplements can also be inserted into a newspaper to provide advertisers with easier response measurements for ROI detail.

Newspapers are nothing if not flexible and with the recent introduction of augmented reality in print – SAR, you can even link print with online data analytics to understand how effective your direct mail is.

Q: Why is a print newspaper special?

A: It is an enduring fact that newspapers are one of the most trusted mediums available for news and all types of newspaper publishers buy into that trust when they print and publish. Their associated advertising content benefits from sitting alongside the drama of everyday life, brought to readers by journalists who are trained to discover the facts behind a story, not to just report events. They have investigated some of the most important political events in the world and campaigned for some of the most essential changes in justice and legislation that affects our lives. The traditional home of both display and classified advertising where the importance of an ad seeking a reader or a reader seeking an ad was first created! With a newspaper, you can hold it in your hand. It's a tactile experience.

Q: When it comes to newspaper formats, what are the trends?

A: Tabloid newspapers dominate the market with an increasing number of traditional broadsheet newspapers moving to a format that uses half the newsprint to produce a BS newspaper of the same pagination. They also adapt to an increasingly fast paced lifestyle where news is often consumed on the move. Printers continue to offer alternatives to publishers looking for something different with broadsheet, Berliner, stitched & trimmed and magazine formats still very much in demand. Use of different newsprint options can be added to the mix to help maximise impact.

Q: How can print newspapers better appeal to a younger audience?

A: Content and design are two key areas that can help attract a younger demographic; topics that resonate with a younger audience is key, obviously. Marketing, promotions and building a strong brand with principles that align is paramount too.

Q: What typically are the challenges newspaper publishers face when it comes to printing?

A: Meeting a deadline is often a challenge, especially when an important local news story is about to break! Publishers have to balance the benefit of including that story versus the possibility of missing their print slot. When changing the size of a product, as most tabloid newspapers jump in size by four pages, publishers need to have the right content for those additional pages. And, finally, choosing the most cost effective newsprint that helps to achieve impact can be tricky, although newspaper printers should be giving advice and supplying samples to help here.

Q: What can publishers and printers do to make their relationship more productive and efficient?

A: Talk to each other. Involving your printer in your publishing plans can only result in a more productive and efficiently printed product. Your printer can point out potential pitfalls or opportunities if they are involved from the start, while keeping your commercial teams up to speed with the printer’s available print innovations so that they can offer these to their clients is vital; clients mostly buy ideas after all!

Q: What’s in the pipeline for Reach Printing Services?

A: Security of print is becoming more important to clients, so printers that are structured to provide a professional and cost efficient print offer involving all aspects of publishing from print, distribution and circulation will continue to be the first choice for small, medium and large publishers. We are working hard to make sure that we compete at the highest level in all areas of print to maintain our position as one of the UK’s largest newspaper printers.

About us

Reach Printing Services is the manufacturing arm of Reach - the largest news publisher in the UK. We have four print sites conveniently located within the UK offering newspaper printing services, printing from 1500 copies to millions!



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