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Newsquest appoints Acting Editors at Dorset

Newsquest Media Group announced on Friday the temporary replacements of two Acting Editors at Newsquest Dorset to cover Toby Granville’s Group role secondment.

Toby, Group Editor of Newsquest Dorset which includes the Daily Echo in Bournemouth and the Dorset Echo, has been appointed Group Editorial Development Director at Newsquest for a secondment which will initially be for 12 months.

For the duration of the secondment, Toby will be replaced by Andy Martin as Acting Editor at the Daily Echo in Bournemouth and Diarmuid Macdonagh as Acting Editor at the Dorset Echo in Weymouth.

Andy, currently Deputy Editor and Head of News at the Daily Echo in Bournemouth, has been managing the news desk at the title since 1997.

A politics graduate at University of Sussex, Andy started his career at the New Milton Advertiser as a trainee reporter before joining the Daily Echo.

As part of his new position, Andy will continue to combine his Head of News role with that of Acting Editor.

Diarmuid, currently Deputy Editor and Head of News, has been managing the news desk at the Dorset Echo since 2009.

He started his career at The Reading Post as a trainee reporter and joined the Dorset Echo as a senior reporter in 1991.

Vincent Boni, Managing Director of Newsquest Dorset said: “I am always really pleased when the pool of internal talent is so strong it is possible to cover this type of secondment. In this case I am doubly pleased.”

These roles will be effective from 16th of February.