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NewstrAid launches new award

Industry charity NewstrAid has launched a new award to recognise people from the newspaper and magazine industry who have provided exceptional support to newstrade colleagues.

NewstrAid launches new award
Left: Neil Jagger; Right: Lidia Popa.

NewstrAid's Excellence Award aims to celebrate individuals from the newstrade who have gone that extra mile in helping the people they work alongside.

Neil Jagger said. “We decided to launch this new award so that some of the amazing people who are providing help to their colleagues every day in our industry are acknowledged and understand how grateful we are to them and how important their work is.”

The first recipient of a NewstrAid Excellence Award is Lidia Popa from Smiths News Birmingham who was presented with her award by NewstrAid CEO Neil Jagger on Thursday 30th March. NewstrAid says Lidia was awarded the Excellence Award in recognition of her contribution and focus on the mental health and financial wellbeing of staff at the Smiths News Birmingham depot.

Neil Jagger added. “Lidia is an excellent example of someone who has gone that extra mile for their colleagues. Having seen some of the support NewstrAid was offering during the Cost of Living Crisis she made sure that her colleagues who did not speak English as their first language understood how they could apply for help and what was available to them. Her work has resulted in a number of successful applications for financial help from people who really needed it.”

NewstrAid says recipients of the award will be presented with a special certificate and details of their brilliant work will be included on the NewstrAid website, social media accounts and in their newsletters.

Neil added: “If anyone would like to nominate one of their colleagues for this award then please send an email to outlining why you feel they should be the recipient of a NewstrAid Excellence Award.”

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