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NFRN anger at Mirror terms cut

Newspaper stockists have been left incensed, says the NFRN, after hearing that the price of weekday editions of the Daily Mirror are to rise but that retail terms are to fall to 20.80 per cent.

NFRN anger at Mirror terms cut
Mike Mitchelson: "We want to know why retailers will receive just 0.59p of the 5p cover price increase - which equates to just 11.8 per cent?"

The 5p increase to the newspaper price and the cut in terms will take effect from Monday March 11, says the NFRN.

But the NFRN claims to only have been made aware of the move after details were spotted on the Association of Newspaper and Magazine Wholesalers’ (ANMW) National Title File.

The Mirror’s actions are in contrast to those of other national newspaper publishers, such as the Guardian, the Sun and The Times, who have accompanied recent price increases with pro rata terms rises.

National President Mike Mitchelson said: “While it is true that retailers will receive more money for handling copies of the weekday Mirror from Monday this is not the full payment expected and is, therefore, a blow, especially as we thought that Reach was supportive of its retail partners.

“What is also disappointing in this case is that the NFRN has received no formal notification that percentage margins were being adjusted - we only became aware after news of the price increase and the reduction in our terms was spotted on the National Title File. Previously and when its price rises have been accompanied by pro rata margin increases, the Mirror has shouted about this from the rooftops.

“I am contacting Reach’s chief operating officer to register my dismay and inviting him to our national executive committee meeting next week so he can explain in person why the NFRN has not been consulted and why this has delivered as a fait accompli. Reach is supposed to be a trade partner of the NFRN in our centenary year but this shows no way of working together in partnership.

"I will also be reminding him of comments that he made in the February edition of our members’ magazine, The Fed, when he stated that “continued financial pressure will be a factor for all elements of the news trade – publishers, wholesalers and retailers alike”. If that is the case, we want to know why retailers will receive just 0.59p of the 5p cover price increase - which equates to just 11.8 per cent?"