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NFRN anger at price increases in Surrey, Essex and Kent

Independent retailers have denounced price increases on a number of local newspapers as ‘inconceivable’ and ‘totally unacceptable’.

The NFRN says: From Monday (August 29) the cover prices of newspapers published by Trinity Mirror and the Kent Messenger Group will be increasing in price but in letters that conspicuously only arrived in tote boxes both publishers advised that the pence per copy margin would remain unchanged with each failing to explain to retailers why they would not be sharing in this bounty.

In response, NFRN Chief Executive Paul Baxter said: “Whilst the product improvement mooted in the letter is much needed, particularly at a time when local newspapers are struggling with sales, the fact is that space on news retailers’ shelves is under threat and it is inconceivable to put the cover prices up but give no incentive to sellers.

“Rather than the publishers keeping all the profit for themselves, how much better to properly reward the people who are best placed to promote and sell those titles?

“Instead, these actions are totally unacceptable and for that reason we will be seeking a meeting with each publisher so we can lay bare our concerns and explore other and better ways in which retailers and these newspapers can work together to ensure the survival of local newspapers.”