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Norwegian newspaper signs Web CMS deal with Atex

Agderposten, a daily newspaper published in Arendal, Norway, has signed an agreement for Atex’s Web Content Management Solution.

The new, advanced system will be hosted as part of the Edda Media environment and offer improved functions and features, at a lower cost, says Atex.

Founded in 1874, the newspaper launched its web edition in 1998. Atex Web CMS will be integrated to replace an existing system which no longer meets the company’s requirements. Agderposten, together with its sister titles Grimstad Adressetidende, Lillesands-Posten and Vennesla Tidende, will benefit from a high performance secure environment and an easier means of handling dynamic content, even if the volume of traffic increases substantially.

The flexibility of the Atex platform will make it easier to control the digital delivery and the update of content, and with its innovative architecture and graphics, access to information is more immediate for its customers. Crucially, it will also reduce the processing and updating time considerably, allowing staff to focus on their core competencies.

Nils Kristian Gauslaa, CEO at Agderposten, comments, “We are confident that the solution will be hugely beneficial to our business and look forward to the site’s go-live in the coming weeks.”

The newspaper is published six days a week by Agderposten AS, and has a circulation of 21,877, of whom 20,898 are subscribers.

About Atex

Atex says: “Atex, headquartered in the UK with offices worldwide, is a leading software company providing solutions for media-rich industries. Atex develops smart digital solutions that make a measurable difference and enable its 1000+ customers to streamline operations and optimise their digital strategy. As a global organisation, it is committed to helping companies build revenues and reduce costs through products that are increasingly personalised, localised, collaborative, contextually relevant, and available on demand.”