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Oneshot: Farewell To The Pope

Farewell To The Pope, a oneshot from Advantage Media Solutions, goes on sale 14 March, priced £3.50.

According to distributors COMAG Specialist: Born Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger in Germany in 1927, ordained as a priest in 1951 and made a cardinal in 1977, it as Pope Benedict XV1, that he will be remembered.

Elected to the role in 2005 following the death of John Paul II, Benedict became the 265th man to hold the highest office of the Catholic Church.

On 11 February, Pope Benedict announced his intention to step down from his position at the end of the month. Citing his age as the factor, the news made headlines around the world, as he is the first Pope in almost 600 years to resign from the post.

Looking back at his time in office in pictures, Farewell To The Pope will be a collectors’ souvenir of almost eight years of Pope Benedict XVI’s papacy.

With photos of the man, some of his sermons and papal visits during his time, Farewell To The Pope will open into a giant poster, which the faithful can put on their wall.