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Queen sends message of support to NMA members for Journalism Matters

The News Media Association’s annual weeklong Journalism Matters campaign celebrating journalism kicks off today, with titles across the country participating.

Queen sends message of support to NMA members for Journalism Matters
"The Covid-19 pandemic has once again demonstrated what an important public service the established news media provides."

For the campaign, The Queen has sent a message of support to News Media Association members in which she writes:

“On the occasion of the 2020 Journalism Matters Week, I am pleased to send my best wishes to the members of the News Media Association.

The Covid-19 pandemic has once again demonstrated what an important public service the established news media provides, both nationally and regionally. As our world has changed dramatically, having trusted, reliable sources of information, particularly at a time when there are so many sources competing for our attention, is vital.

The efforts of the news media to support communities throughout the United Kingdom during the pandemic have been invaluable - whether through fundraising, encouraging volunteering, or providing a lifeline for the elderly and vulnerable to the outside world.

As you reflect on your achievements this year, and the challenges you have faced, I send my warm good wishes to you all for a most successful and memorable week.”

In addition to this, and other initiatives during the week, the Making a Difference public vote for the best national and local newspaper campaigns will launch at 9.30am on Monday 5 October and run until 5pm on Wednesday 7 October.