The mobile site includes a link to either a secure java application (for older phones) or a secure mobile website (for smartphones) to enable all Runner’s World customers to buy its branded book - Runner’s World Complete Guide to Running.
The mobile microsite allows readers to buy the book from their phones and send details of it to their friends. The Hearst Corporation, which owns The National Magazine Company has a strong track record in digital publishing and wanted to take advantage of mobile as an important new channel.
Roundpoint recommended a text messaging campaign to notify customers of the offer, giving Runner’s World an opportunity to engage personally with customers. Over 20,000 texts were sent containing a mobile internet link which once clicked on gave information about the guide which retailed at £9.99 including free postage and packaging. Customers can simultaneously order a copy and fill in a mobile form to notify their friends of the offer. Talking about the microsite, Kate Thorniley-Walker, Direct Marketing Manager says “We are delighted to be selling Runner’s World Complete Guide to Running via mobile phones. We have already sold a Good Housekeeping recipe book via mobile and by offering fulfilment by credit or debit card we make it easy for customers to simultaneously complete an order and share the same opportunity with their friends. This text campaign has allowed us to reach our customers in a different and more personal way and given them an easy means to take advantage of a great offer. The fact that Roundpoint’s m-commerce solution works over all phones allows us to reach all our customers and not just those with smartphones.”
About Roundpoint
Roundpoint says: “Roundpoint is one of the most experienced mobile solution providers in the UK. Originally a spin out of Cambridge Consultants in 1998, Roundpoint works with leading publishers and other businesses across the globe. Roundpoint provides an extensive range of services including mobile publishing, marketing, business applications, payment systems, alert services, videos, event guides, social networking and voting systems.”