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Scottish Magazine Awards 2016 – shortlist

PPA Scotland has announced the shortlist for the Scottish Magazine Awards 2016.

Magazine publishing companies from across Scotland submitted 175 entries for this year’s Scottish Magazine Awards, with entries received from Orkney to Galloway.

Submissions spanning the fields of business, entertainment, education, communication, design, politics and more were scrutinised by a panel of independent experts, led by Chairman of Judges Sue Hitchen, and they were looking for examples of publishing excellence.

The winners will be announced at a ceremony being held at the Radisson Blu, Glasgow on the evening of December 1. 


Brand Extension

This award recognises the launch or recent success of a brand extension of a magazine. Judges were looking for examples of an existing magazine brand successfully translated into another field, for example ¬through events, products, apps, etc. Judges were looking for evidence of: originality or innovation within the brand extension; how the brand extension promotes the magazine; commercial success of the brand extension; the additional value of the brand extension to the readership and the advertiser.

• Dumfries & Galloway Life Awards, Dumfries & Galloway Life – CN Group Magazines

• Education Hustings, Teaching Scotland – GTC Scotland

• Family Supplement, Historic Scotland – Think

• Scottish Dental Awards, Scottish Dental Magazine – Connect Publications

• Shout Hangout, Shout – DC Thomson

• The Farmer and His Wife Collection, The People's Friend – DC Thomson

Business and Professional Magazine

Judges were looking for publications that are well-written, well-designed, are meeting their commercial objectives and ideally have a new achievement or innovation to celebrate. Judges were looking for demonstration of: editorial, design and production values well-targeted to the readership with additional merit for any innovation that has improved its appeal; development of additional revenue streams or multi-platform initiatives that extend revenue potential or add value to the reader or advertiser; increase in circulation, subscriptions and advertising yields, as applicable; evidence of commercial innovation to improve the bottom line.

• CA – Think

• EventsBase – Canongate Communications

• Holyrood – Dods plc

• Scottish Business Insider – Media Scotland

• Scottish Dental Magazine – Connect Publications

• The Drum – The Drum

Business and Professional Magazine Designer

This Award recognises excellence from a designer. The judges were looking for demonstration of: outstanding design, appealing to the title’s readership; design innovation; coherence and excellence in the use of photography, typography and illustration; strong covers that have supported the commercial success of the title.

• Aimee Wachtel, Holyrood – Dods plc

• John Pender, The Biologist – Think

• Mark Davies, Surgeons' News and CA – Think

• Renny Hutchison, Scottish Dental Magazine – Connect Publications

• Ross-Lesley Bayne, The Drum – The Drum

Business and Professional Magazine Editor

This category recognises the special contribution and enterprise an editor has brought to his or her magazine or magazines. Judges looked for demonstration of: how the editor meets the information needs of the readership, displays knowledge of the market or sector and engages with the reader; well-paced, well-balanced writing and great design; evidence of innovation and how it has improved the magazine to the target audience; evidence of the editors’ personal contribution and positive impact on circulation and the commercial success of the title.

• Mandy Rhodes, Holyrood – Dods plc

• Peter Nicholson, The Journal of the Law Society of Scotland – Connect Publications

• Peter Ranscombe, BQ Scotland – 501 Publishing

• Robert Outram, CA – Think

• Stephen Lepitak, The Drum – The Drum?• Tom Ireland, The Biologist – Think

Business and Professional Magazine Feature Writer

Entrants had to demonstrate outstanding talent and writing style for their particular readership together with journalistic depth and accuracy. Judges were looking for demonstration of: accurate research of subject matter; original thinking and versatility in style; different types of features handled with skill; how the journalist meets the information needs of the reader and aims of the title.

• Julia Belgutay, Times Educational Supplement Scotland – TES Global

• Kevin O'Sullivan, EventsBase – Canongate Communications

• Mandy Rhodes, Holyrood – Dods plc

• Rebecca Stewart, The Drum – The Drum?• Tom Freeman, Holyrood – Dods plc

• Tony Connelly, The Drum – The Drum??ENTER NOW?

Consumer Magazine

Judges were looking for publications that are well-written, well-designed, are meeting their commercial objectives and ideally have a new achievement or innovation to celebrate. Judges were looking for demonstration of: editorial, design and production values well-targeted to the readership with additional merit for any innovation that has improved its appeal; development of additional revenue streams or multi-platform initiatives that extend revenue potential or add value to the reader or advertiser; increase in circulation, subscriptions and advertising yields, as applicable; evidence of commercial innovation to improve the bottom line.

• 110% Gaming – DC Thomson

• Dumfries & Galloway Life – CN Group Magazines

• My Weekly – DC Thomson

• The Big Issue – The Big Issue

• The OT Magazine – 2A Publishing

• The Scots Magazine – DC Thomson

Consumer Magazine Designer

This Award recognises excellence from a designer. The judges were looking for demonstration of: outstanding design, appealing to the title’s readership; design innovation; coherence and excellence in the use of photography, typography and illustration; strong covers that have supported the commercial success of the title.

• Dorothy Andrews, The Scots Magazine, Your Best Ever Christmas, and My Weekly – DC Thomson

• Eric Campbell, Hot Rum Cow – White Light Media

• Laura Tiliman, Scottish Wedding Directory – DC Thomson

• Matthew Ball, RPS Journal, Influence, and Be Healthy – Think

Consumer Magazine Editor

This category recognises the special contribution and enterprise the editor has brought to his or her magazine or magazines. Judges looked for demonstration of: how the editor meets the information needs of the readership, displays knowledge of the market or sector and engages with the reader; well-paced, well-balanced writing and great design; evidence of innovation and how it has improved the magazine to the target audience; evidence of the editors’ personal contribution and positive impact on circulation and the commercial success of the title.

• Andrea Thompson, Dumfries & Galloway Life – CN Group Magazines

• Emily Rodway, The Great Outdoors – Terregles Media

• Kathleen Morgan, Be Healthy – Think

• Robert Wight, The Scots Magazine – DC Thomson

• Rosalind Tulloch, PosAbility Magazine, The OT Magazine, OnTrack Magazine and TradePoint Magazine – 2A Publishing

• Simon Lyle, Hot Rum Cow – White Light Media

Consumer Magazine Feature Writer

Entrants had to demonstrate outstanding talent and writing style for their particular readership together with journalistic depth and accuracy. Judges were looking for demonstration of: accurate research of subject matter; original thinking and versatility in style; different types of features handled with skill; how the journalist meets the information needs of the reader and aims of the title.

• Bill Gibb, In 10 – DC Thomson

• Cal Flyn, EQY – Wyvex Media

• Fiona McKinlay, Historic Scotland and Legion Scotland Today – Think

• Pennie Taylor, Be Healthy and Connect – Think

• Richard Goslan, Unfiltered and Well-Linked – Connect Publications

• Steven MacKenzie, The Big Issue – The Big Issue

Customer Magazine

A customer magazine is a magazine published at least twice a year by or on behalf of an organisation or company to communicate with its customers (not members). Entries had to demonstrate: how the publication matches the customers’ information needs and/or reflects the client’s mission; how the publication adds value to the customer’s relationship with the organisation, including testimonials; relevant editorial, design and production to the target audience; evidence of innovation to improve the publication for the readership.

• Discover – Connect Publications

• Escape – Think

• Explorer – Think

• In Depth – Rolls-Royce

• Reflect – White Light Media

• Trust – Baillie Gifford & Co

Employee or Internal Magazine

An internal magazine is a magazine published for the employees or stakeholders of a company or organisation (not a company’s members or customers). Entries had to demonstrate: how the publication matches the information needs of the reader; how the publication adds value to the reader’s relationship with the organisation, including testimonials; relevant editorial, design and production to the target audience; evidence of innovation to improve the publication for the readership.

• Heads Up – Connect Publications/BAE Systems

• Outside In – Beetroot

• Response – Scottish Ambulance Service

• Scottish Justice Matters – Scottish Consortium for Crime and Criminal Justice

• The Caledonian – Glasgow Caledonian University

Magazine Cover

Does your magazine cover shout ‘pick me up and read me’? Judges looked for demonstration of: correlation with the magazine’s brand values; strong cover lines which sell the content; effective and original use of imagery, colour, font, type and logos.

• EventsBase – Canongate Communications

• Holyrood (Inequality is a Choice) – Dods plc

• Hot Rum Cow – White Light Media

• The Big Issue – The Big Issue

• The Biologist – Think

• The Drum (Coke Caned) – The Drum

Magazine Launch – NEW

This new category is to celebrate and recognise new magazines from Scottish publishers or for a Scottish market. Judges looked for entries that demonstrate: innovation – a genuinely new and different title; market research and strategy behind the launch; relevant editorial, design and production to the target audience; a business plan showing commercial success.

• Be Healthy – Think

• She Is Fierce – She Is Fierce Ltd

• EventsBase – Canongate Communications

• Grapevine – New Local Media Ltd

• Nutmeg – Palmer Watson

• Scotland4Kids – Family Media Group

Magazine You Wish You Published - NEW

This category encourages creativity without limits – think The Chip Shop Awards, but for magazines. Judges were looking for: well-designed covers with strong coverlines; wit and humour; creative use of photography or illustration.

• Barb Wire – Emma Wilson, Think

• Chappit – Peter Ranscombe, BQ Scotland

• End Times Review – Sam Bradley, Counterpoint

• Fashistical – Tom McCrorie, Atom and Paul Docherty,

• Good-enough Housekeeping – Christopher Phin, Scottish Wedding Directory

• Orkney MX – Carrie Gunn, Orkney Media Group

• Please Turn Over – Renny Hutchison, Connect Publications

• Rear of the Year – Alasdair Fletcher, Herald & Times Group Magazines

• Say Cheese! – Fiona McKinlay, Think

• SNOG – Mairi Mulhern, Sonic Media Group

• The Awesome Comic – Sha Nazir, BHP Comics

Member Magazine

This category recognises the publications that best serve the members of an organisation, society or institution, as a medium for news, views and information. Judges were looking for: how the publication matches the members’ information needs and reflects the organisation’s aims and values; how the publication adds value to the members’ relationship with the organisation, including testimonials; relevant editorial, design and production to the target audience; evidence of innovation to improve the publication for the readership.

• Connect – Think

• Historic Scotland – Think

• Insight – White Light Media

• Life Links – Connect Publications

• Scotland In Trust – Think

• Whale & Dolphin – Think

Newspaper Supplement – NEW

This category recognises the significant contribution that magazine supplements play to the success of newspaper publications. Judges were looking for editorial and commercial success from a newspaper supplement, produced in Scotland, with evidence of: how the supplement broadens the relationship with the reader; how it has supported circulation and audience growth; excellence in well targeted editorial content, design and use of photography; commercial innovation to improve the bottom line.

• Elegance (The Press & Journal) – DC Thomson

• FutureScot (The Times Scotland) – Canongate Communications

• In 10 (Sunday Post) – DC Thomson

• Scottish Wedding Planner (Daily Record) – Media Scotland

• Vision Scotland (The Scotsman) – The Scotsman Publications

• Weekend (The Courier) – DC Thomson

Online Presence

This category is for effective use of online platforms to support, enhance or extend a magazine brand. This could be an app, a directory, a website, a social media campaign or anything using digital technology to enhance the audience’s experience of content. Entries had to demonstrate: content appropriate to the platform; multiplatform integration; interactivity and evidence of user engagement; unique or innovative functionality.

•, The Drum – The Drum

•, The Scottish Farmer – Herald and Times Group Magazines

•, Be Healthy – Think

•, Scottish Wedding Directory – DC Thomson

• – 5 STYLE

•, The Scots Magazine – DC Thomson

Publishing Team

This category acknowledges the achievements and contribution of either a specific area of the publishing business (such as subscriptions, production, marketing, accounts etc.) or from across different disciplines. Judges looked for: evidence of the company’s increased financial performance due to the team’s contribution; examples of how the team worked together to meet challenges and objectives; examples of their innovation and enterprise to steer the company to success; examples of how the team has gone above and beyond the call of duty.

• Dumfries & Galloway Life Team – CN Group Magazines

• The Drum Team – The Drum

• The Journal of the Law Society of Scotland Publishing Team – Connect Publications

• Think Scotland – Think

Rising Star

This Award acknowledges the achievements and contributions of an individual and could be from any area of the publishing company. Judges required evidence of the nominee’s particular innovation and enterprise with demonstration of: the nominee’s hard work, endeavour and contribution towards the company’s success; innovative and creative skill; how the nominee has gone above and beyond the call of duty to aid the publication or company’s success; testimonials showing the individual’s positive effect on the title or company.

• Alberto Negro – 5 STYLE

• Andrew Burns – The Big Issue

• Cameron Clarke – The Drum?• Caroline Whyte – Scottish Wedding Directory

• Malcolm Triggs – White Light Media

• Thomas O'Neill – The Drum

Sales Performance

This category recognises the team or individual that has achieved outstanding sales performance on a magazine, project or brand extension over the past 12 months. Judges required evidence of: proactive generation of and growth in revenue, volume, yield and market share, as appropriate; innovative, cross-platform solutions addressing customers’ needs; expert knowledge of market, medium and brand for increased revenue; evidence of client satisfaction through testimonials.

• 110% Gaming Sales Team – DC Thomson

• The Shout Team, Shout – DC Thomson

• CA Sales Team – Think

• Connect Sales Team – Connect Publications

• Pinpoint Sales Team – Pinpoint Scotland

• The Drum Commercial Team – The Drum

Small Publishing Company Magazine

This category was open to publishers who employ no more than four full-time staff or equivalent. Judges were looking for evidence of editorial and commercial innovation or development within the marketplace; relevant editorial, design and production to the target audience; evidence of interaction with the readership; evidence of increase in circulation, readership and advertising yields as appropriate.

• Ayrshire Magazine – Dratta Ltd

• East Lothian Life – PJ Design

• Living Orkney – Orkney Media Group

• The Atholl Quair, The Breadalbane Quair, and The Crieff & Comrie Quair – Scot Active