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SIPA relaunches website

The Specialized Information Publishers Association has relaunched its website.

In an email to SIPA members before Christmas, Matt Salt, SIPA Executive Director, writes:

“For years, SIPA has been known as the association for sharing. Now it has the website to support that well-earned reputation.

We are very pleased and excited to announce the launch of the new SIPA website - especially pleased that we can bring it to you during this holiday season. The information on our site will look pretty similar, but your ability to interact online with us - and even more importantly with your fellow members - will improve dramatically. You will now have several forums and subgroups in which to communicate, based on interest, size and location. In time, an even more interactive forum will fully replace the current listserve (but have no fears, the current one will stay as is for the time being).

Above all else, we believe that SIPA is a community of diverse, hard-working and like-minded business people - and this is another step in our plan to build a proper network or “home” for this community. For an association built on the spirit of sharing, what could be more appropriate or needed? The website address will remain the same (, but the site will feature a new look and feel. We envision the SIPA website becoming THE important medium for our members to interact and learn.

Given that, our new site has been designed specifically for a membership organization such as ours - as a place where you can easily register for events, find answers to questions, see who’s on a particular committee and frequently reach out to others. You’ll see more member profiles with more social-media like options - where you can add as much or as little information as you want. Include a blog, your Twitter handle or just your contact information. Our conference registration system will be fluid and you’ll even be able to make a personalized conference schedule for yourself.

We have a Get Started page with tutorials, or if you are a tinkerer, just log on and go for it - it’s a very user-friendly site.

We hope you will find our new site to become one of your primary sources of information about issues in our field - and a place to further engage your colleagues. See you there.”