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Standard to distribute one million copies today

The London Evening Standard to distribute one million copies for the first time today.

The London Evening Standard has revealed it is distributing one million copies today, higher than ever before, to ensure that more Londoners are provided with quality general election analysis on results day, say the publishers.

The Election Special final edition has news and pictures of the Conservative party’s General Election victory and the resignations of Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg and Nigel Farage. The full coverage includes maps showing the new political make-up of the UK, with a special focus on London.

The paper will capitalise on its position as the only London paper to print the results of the election on the day they are announced by increasing the number of copies for the first time since March 2014, when distribution was extended to 900,000.

Sarah Sands, editor at the London Evening Standard, said: “For the past six weeks, Londoners, whatever their political views, have been captivated by the election campaign. Today we are the first newspaper to bring the astonishing drama of this election result to our readers in reports, photographs, analysis and comment. We are marking this historic event by increasing the circulation of the newspaper from 900,000 to a million.”