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Star victory in heart centre battle

A victory in the Ipswich Star’s battle to secure a specialist heart centre at Ipswich Hospital has underlined the vital role of Britain’s regional press, say the publishers.

For almost three years, the Archant Suffolk paper doggedly has fought for emergency heart surgery facilities for Ipswich Hospital – after Suffolk was “abandoned” by an NHS shake-up.

The paper’s Have A Heart campaign was launched in 2009 after plans to build three emergency heart centres at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, Papworth Hospital and Basildon – but nothing in Suffolk - were uncovered.

It meant emergency heart patients from the Star’s patch would be forced to go on 999 cross-country dashes of an hour and more to reach one of the three regional centres for emergency angioplasty treatment.

After two years of campaigning, gaining support from Ipswich MP Ben Gummer, patient groups, clinicians and the public, the Star and its readers have won backing for an elective (planned) emergency heart care unit.

After a damning front page which stated “Why the Delay?” £5 million of funding suddenly was found to secure the unit for Suffolk this year.

The region’s strategic health authority, NHS Midlands and East revealed a cash pot needed to make the centre a reality had been found from government funds.

Star editor Nigel Pickover said: “It is a great day for campaigning journalism. We have helped win a huge battle for heart patients in Ipswich and east Suffolk. It has been a dogged fight but our heart campaign has been victorious to the first stage. Now our fight for full emergency facilities – as in Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Essex, goes on.”

Mr Gummer added: “No one should underestimate this town. If we had not fought together we would not have got this centre, there is no doubt about it.

“The Star has successfully reminded the SHA over the last few weeks of the need for them to take action.

“It shows what we can do when we stand up and fight rather than just accept a decision because the powers that be say so.”

Meanwhile Ipswich Hospital medical director Peter Donaldson praised the Star’s campaign.

“I would like, on behalf of everybody, patients and the hospital to thank the Star for their media campaign which has been very beneficial.”