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Telegraph creates 40 new editorial jobs

Forty editorial jobs across the Telegraph Media Group (TMG) are being created as the business makes a significant new investment in quality journalism.

These new positions centre on strengthening the Telegraph’s original reporting, with significant new investments in investigative reporting, data journalism, interactive tools, and video production. They also include:

* a new cross-functional team of journalists, engineers, and designers focused on innovation in digital journalism and creation of new tools for reporting and data presentation;

* the formation of a breaking news team to speed the delivery of stories to mobile and web;

* a strong boost to the Telegraph search engine optimisation (SEO) and social media teams;

* the appointment of a Consumer Affairs editor;

* expansion of the digital design team;

* the establishment of a new Editorial Apprenticeship Scheme for school

leavers and non-graduates, to sit alongside TMG's successful graduate training scheme.

While a limited number of positions are being lost, says the Telegraph, as editors focus on their strategic priorities, the 40 new roles come on top of a significant number of important appointments that have already been made recently in SEO, social media, the homepage team, Sport, Life and Weekend and Motoring.

Allister Heath, the editor of City AM who joins TMG as Deputy Editor in charge of Business next month, has also made a number of key appointments.

Announcing the new strategic investment, TMG's Chief Content Officer and Editor-in-Chief Jason Seiken said: “I strongly believe that, in the long run, quality journalism wins. That is why we are focused relentlessly on two things: producing truly distinctive quality journalism; and ensuring this journalism is seen by the largest possible audience. Our investment in areas such as investigative reporting and data journalism will enhance the former, while our new positions focused on SEO and social media will power the latter.”