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The Independent appoints its first Race Correspondent

Nadine White joins The Independent as the first Race Correspondent in the title’s 35-year history, reporting on issues affecting the lives of people of colour and exposing stories of racial injustice.

The Independent appoints its first Race Correspondent
Nadine White: “This is an important step towards further amplifying marginalised perspectives within the news agenda.”

Nadine was the winner of the inaugural Paulette Wilson Windrush Award in November and has been nominated for a host of other prizes including the Diversity in Media Awards and the Amnesty Media Awards. She was also the first black journalist to be shortlisted for the Paul Foot Award.

Nadine joins from HuffPost UK, where she was a senior news reporter for more than two years, breaking stories including the SPAC Nation church accused of exploiting its congregation, and concerns over anti-black racism in the Labour Party.

Nadine White, Race Correspondent, The Independent, commented: "I’m delighted to be joining The Independent as the title’s first ever Race Correspondent, reporting on issues which affect the lives of people of colour. This is an important step towards further amplifying marginalised perspectives within the news agenda, bringing issues of racial inequalities to the fore. Last year’s global resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement sparked mass discourse about institutional racism and it is crucial that these conversations continue. Nuanced, robust journalism must be at the heart of this.”

David Marley, Acting Editor of The Independent, added: “We are incredibly pleased that Nadine is joining The Independent to fill such an important role. She has already proved herself to be a brilliant and brave reporter and we look forward to Nadine driving forward our coverage of this vital area and uncovering stories that too often go untold.”

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