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The Journalists’ Charity announces campaign

The Journalists’ Charity has announced its latest campaign which highlights the vital role being played by journalists during these most uncertain times.

The Journalists’ Charity announces campaign
James Brindle: “I think the question everyone needs to ask themselves, particularly in a year like 2024, is where would we be without journalism?”

The Journalists’ Charity says its new campaign has already won the support of national media, and is hoping to promote the message on as many platforms and networks as possible.

From the war in Ukraine to conflict in the Middle East, artificial intelligence, disinformation, and the constant threat of election interference, these are increasingly challenging times. With so much global uncertainty, the role of journalism has never been more important. Journalists are routinely risking their health and even lives to bear witness, reporting truth and uncovering facts to promote a free and fair society, added the charity.

Launching the campaign, the charity’s CEO, James Brindle said: “I think the question everyone needs to ask themselves, particularly in a year like 2024, is where would we be without journalism? Has there ever been a greater need to hold power to account? To expose truth? To probe into dark corners and route out injustice?

“As an industry I think we should take every opportunity to remind the public about the vital role being played by journalists day in day out, because it’s all too easy to take it for granted. It’s been a very tough few years for the sector, so at a time when the world needs good journalists at every level more than ever, we want to highlight just how important the media is to democracy and freedom.”

During the last few years, the Journalists’ Charity says it has supported hundreds of journalists and their families whose lives have been turned upside down because of covid, cuts, and the cost-of-living crisis. For many, the charity has been a lifeline, helping to pay bills and put food on the table. In what remains a challenging time for the industry, the JC stands ready to give help and support where needed. This includes providing financial assistance, essential support for new starters, and tailored 1-2-1 training and skills resources.

You can add your support to the appeal on X @JournoCharity, you can find them on Facebook, ‘the Journalists’ Charity’.

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