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The Press Awards - call for entries

The Society of Editors has announced the timetable for ‘The Press Awards’ that will celebrate the best in British national newspaper journalism published during 2012 either on paper or digitally.

Entries will open on Tuesday December 4 and will close on January 4. Shortlists will be announced in February and the awards will be presented at a glittering ceremony at the Lancaster London Hotel on Thursday March 7, 2013.

There will be a total of 29 categories of awards including those covering features, columns and interviews to reflect the different styles of newspapers and team awards that will be the basis for selecting the Newspaper of the Year.

The awards are supported by the NPA, in association with the Journalists’ Charity and the British Journalism Review. Sponsors include Camelot which has supported the Society of Editors since 2001, Unison, Precise, Nikon, Gorkana, Google, Reuters and the Press Association.

Entries published on all newspaper platforms will be judged by journalists nominated by their papers supervised by independent chairmen. The winners of the Newspaper of the Year title and team awards will be chosen by a special panel judging achievements during the year across all platforms.

Staff and freelance journalists can submit entries so long as their work has appeared in a British national newspaper or on its related digital platforms during 2012. Entrants should start to collect PDFs of their work now ready for submission online.

Entries must be made online. A list of categories, full instructions and entry details will be available at from Tuesday November 27, where journalists and their editors can register their intention to submit entries.

The awards include the Cudlipp Award, organised by the British Journalism Review that recognises excellence in popular campaigns and investigations and the Journalists’ Charity special award. A full list of categories can be found on the awards website.

The closing date for entries is Friday 4 January 2013 but entries for work published between December 15 and December 31 2012 may be submitted by agreement up to January 10. Any other late entries will be surcharged.

The awards will culminate with the glittering gala dinner at the Lancaster London hotel on Tuesday March 7, 2013. Further details of the awards dinner will be provided in the New Year.

‘The Press Awards’ are organised on behalf of the industry by the Society of Editors. Proceeds will help to fund the Journalists’ Charity and the Society of Editors’ campaigning for press freedom.

Chairman of the Judges Bob Satchwell, Executive Director of the Society of Editors, said: “While 2012 has again been a year of mixed emotions for the whole of the media there has been plenty of superb journalism to inform, inspire and entertain millions of readers. It could well be a vintage not to be missed.”