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Top insights from this year’s PPG

James Evelegh picks out some of the highlights from this year’s Publishing Partners Guide.

By James Evelegh

Top insights from this year’s PPG

The Publishing Partners Guide 2024 was distributed recently with the Jan/Feb issue of InPublishing magazine. In addition to in-depth profiles of leading suppliers, the PPG also featured fourteen articles. Here is an insight from each.

  1. “Extraordinary reporting generates extraordinary trust, along with huge audiences and deep engagement – combine these and you can start creating your own model for a business that empowers journalism, and journalism that empowers your business.” (The Independent’s Christian Broughton)
  2. “A publisher’s SDK app enables subscribers to access their digital edition seamlessly within the publisher’s existing app. This eliminates the need for users to download a separate app, reducing hassle and potentially boosting engagement.” (PressReader’s Ana Cervantes – advertorial)
  3. “Newsquest has taken a diverse approach to its digital transformation, ensuring not all its eggs were placed in one basket. Last year, its revenues grew by 3 per cent to £190m and its audience by 12 per cent to 50m monthly readers across 200 titles.” (Newsquest’s Katie French)
  4. “Educate advertisers on metrics beyond clicks. Highlight the importance of attention metrics such as time spent on landing pages, ad visibility, and engagement rates rather than focusing solely on click-through rates.” (Smartico’s Christian Scherbel – advertorial)
  5. “In an ephemeral world of screen-fatigue, printed publications still give joy and inspiration. And in a consolidating market focused on digital migration, there’s space for publishers to succeed creating beautiful, resonant magazines and finding readers who love them.” (Anthem’s Jon Bickley)
  6. “Those same technological advances that allow us to communicate more effectively also carry the risk of overreliance. This can lead to an efficient but impersonal, generic and mechanical experience for the customer.” (Warners’ Natalie Smith – advertorial)
  7. “Such are the opportunities, it is hard sometimes, especially as a smaller player, not to get distracted by the next shiny idea. Work out what you’re really good at and make sure you prioritise that first and foremost. On the new ideas, as they say, fail fast and learn.” (Faversham House’s Amanda Barnes)
  8. “AI can already support research, fact-checking and even provide early drafts of articles. Does this threaten the profession? We don’t think so. Like so many other advances in technology, AI will free up space and time for journalists to concentrate on the creation of high-value, absolutely must-have content.” (Full Fat Things’ Vicky Macey – advertorial)
  9. “Building an effective content distribution strategy is crucial for long-term success. That’s why almost a quarter of CPL One’s employees are dedicated to implementing distribution strategies.” (CPL One’s Sarah Simpson)
  10. “Scope 3 reporting is now a feature of supply chain compliance as well as a legal requirement in some cases and taking responsibility for measuring it and implementing actions for reducing it are key.” (Denmaur’s Danny Doogan – advertorial)
  11. “The industry needs to work collectively to develop robust, scalable and sustainable systems to help detect misconduct and stop bad actors finding their way through the publishing process. A united and direct response is the only way to safeguard the integrity of science.” (IOP Publishing’s Antonia Seymour)
  12. “There is nothing quite like meeting in person to find out how a client’s business is doing, how the person is doing, and watching the body language and facial expressions as they relate with you. You can often smell trouble in-person that isn’t perceptible on video calls.” (AdvantageCS’s Dan Heffernan – advertorial)
  13. “There are no lasting, “silver bullets”. Today’s good ideas degrade and become tired quickly. Today’s half-good ideas need fine-tuning. Today’s bad ideas need burying quickly, whilst analysing (and remembering!) the lessons learned.” (Wessenden’s Jim Bilton)
  14. “There is certainly an active trend towards replacing legacy digital editions with a much more vibrant experience that will drive more adoption and engagement.” (eMagazines’ Blake Pollard – advertorial)

All these articles can be read in full in the digital edition, where you will also find full details of many leading suppliers to the publishing industry. I hope you will find it a useful resource throughout the year…

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