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WAN-IFRA announces Laureates

WAN-IFRA has announced the 2024 Women in News Editorial Leadership Award Laureates.

WAN-IFRA announces Laureates
Left to right: Africa Laureate Beatrice Bandawe; Arab Region Laureate Dima Khatib; Southeast Asia Laureate Nan Paw Gay.

WAN-IFRA says three outstanding newsroom leaders from Africa, the Arab region and Southeast Asia have been named 2024 Laureates of the Women in News (WIN) Editorial Leadership Award.

Beatrice Bandawe, managing editor, The Guardian Limited, Tanzania; Dima Khatib, managing director, AJ+, Palestine/Syria; and Nan Paw Gay, director and editor-in-chief, Karen Information Center, Myanmar have been named 2024 Laureates for Africa, the Arab Region and Southeast Asia, respectively.

The Award, which is in its 10th year, recognizes outstanding women editors who have demonstrated exceptional leadership in their newsrooms and are committed to advancing gender equality in the field of journalism in their respective regions, added WAN-IFRA.

“These remarkable newsroom leaders have exemplified exemplary dedication to journalistic excellence, serving as inspiring role models and catalysts for positive change in their countries and beyond,” said Vincent Peyrègne, CEO of WAN-IFRA. “We are immensely proud to honour these journalists who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and resilience at a time when the media industry is facing significant challenges.”

The Laureates are selected by members of the Women in News Global Steering Committee based on criteria such as commitment to editorial excellence, gender equality and supporting the next generation of media leaders.

"Through their commitment to fostering young talent, and record of success in bringing diverse perspectives to their storytelling, our 2024 Laureates have made their newsrooms more inclusive while building trust among their audiences, two crucial ingredients for the long-term sustainability of any media" said Melanie Walker, WAN-IFRA executive director for Media Development and WIN.

Bandawe, Khatib and Paw Gay will be recognized at WAN-IFRA’s World News Media Congress taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark, 27-29 May 2024.

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