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What Car? express delivery for redesign

WhatCar? Magazine’s editor-in-chief, Steve Fowler, and editor Jim Holder are promoting the new look WhatCar? by taking the earliest copies straight off the press and rushing them in person to UK car manufacturers and advertising agencies to ensure they are the first in the UK to see the magazine.

The eight-hour delivery marathon will cover over 700 miles and they will broadcast their progress throughout the day via Twitter.

After almost a year of extensive customer research and a creative marathon which has involved all of its in-house experts, Haymarket Consumer Media is launching an all-new WhatCar? magazine which includes an additional 40 pages every month.

The new magazine, which hits the newsstand with its September issue, on sale 29 July, offers more car tests, more advice, and a new, 40-page A-Z which rates and pictures every car currently on sale in the UK. New test formats and an all-new design style make it even easier and quicker for car buyers to find all the information and advice they need.

Steve Fowler, editor-in-chief said, “Before commencing on this major redesign, we listened to our readers up and down the country and showed many of them redesign pages as we progressed.

“We have made huge investments in the magazine by improving what we do best and what we are famous for – helping the nation buy better. This redesign is a commitment to ensuring the quality of the product and to maintain our strength in print as a ‘pillar’ brand on newsstands”.

Andrew Golby, publishing director said, “Although we have seen extraordinary online growth during the past decade, our research confirms that WhatCar? remains even more famous as a magazine. Our investment in the title comes at a time when the UK new car market is recovering strongly. We hope to play our part in maintaining that growth.” WhatCar? claims to be the UK’s biggest car-buying advice brand, with over 1.5 million consumers consulting it each month. It currently comprises WhatCar? magazine, the website and several established brand extensions, including the most recent addition, the WhatCar? Driving School.

The flagship magazine has helped Britain’s car buyers make purchasing decisions for more than 30 years, and its tests are widely regarded as the most trusted source of new-car advice, says Haymarket. also powers the UK’s first ever female-focused car buyer’s site,

Haymarket Consumer Media has invested heavily in the redesign of What Car? including promotions of the new A-Z section on every cover, sampling initiatives with The Telegraph and with other Haymarket titles, subscription offers and online promotions.

You can track the What Car? express delivery team by clicking and log in with username: whatcar and password: whatcar. Or follow our progress on Twitter via Twitter hashtag #whatcar.