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Where media owners should be focusing their resources in 2021

The impact of 2020 has left few companies untouched, but fortunes have varied widely, and we now decide what paths we choose for 2021, writes JCA’s Brin Bucknor.

By Brin Bucknor

Where media owners should be focusing their resources in 2021

Do we feel guilty for finding success in the chaos? Or a sense of excitement for success and progress achieved? Where should media owners be focusing their resources? What do you abandon, evolve or do, that is new?

My view is relatively simple. If 2020 was a success, then you already know where you will be placing your resources; for those looking at 2021 with some concern, then we encourage focus on the essentials of Digital, Data and People.

For publishers, now more than ever, data informs how businesses communicate, engage and trade with their customers and is now vital.

For media owners to succeed in a rapidly changing world, they must be digitally robust, have the digital infrastructure to provide personalisation and automation at scale to deliver relevant meaningful content and experiences, in real time.

Media owners possess a wealth of unique and extensive data assets. Publishers are well placed to monetise first-party data through membership and subscription models working with the right digital platform and partner. These days, that means an integrated digital business solution with front and back end, CMS, CRM, marketing automation, messaging, content, compliant data management and analytics – all in one place.

With the right digital business platform, media owners can serve relevant content (and ad experiences) to their users and use and manage data, compliantly! Ask the fundamental questions:

  • What type of intelligence / insight can you gather from your users? Demographic, psychographic, geographic, behavioural attributes?
  • How are you aggregating your authenticated behavioural data to provide user profiles that add value?
  • How many unique authenticated profiles do you have visiting your site daily, weekly, or monthly?
  • What is the demand for this first-party data?
  • What differentiates your users from any competitors’?

Why is People Leadership on my list? Most clients did a solid job addressing their employees' basic needs – safety, stability and security – during the first phase of the crisis. Those needs now require a sophisticated approach for organisations to continue to evolve. Companies have the opportunity to rethink the employee experience with bespoke coaching, development and support (think about the whole team, including the more senior and experienced figures – all may now benefit from some focused help and support!)

As 2021 progresses, you may find two groups of people within your business. Some are struggling, and some are thriving and how you lead, motivate, manage and care for them will determine your success for 2021.

For publishers, now more than ever, data informs how businesses communicate, engage and trade with their customers and is now vital.

...maximising successful performance...

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JCA is a specialist boutique media consultancy focused on all aspects of maximising successful performance for media and publishing businesses. Our team have extensive experience as senior leaders, within global media, digital and data companies. As successful partners, we have direct experience of established publishing, digital media and data start-up businesses.


Tel: 020 3874 7162


This article was first published in the Publishing Partners Guide, an annual directory distributed with InPublishing magazine. If you would like to be added to the free mailing list, please register here.