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Round Table: The Future of Subs Bureaux

Round Table: The Future of Subs Bureaux

Subs bureaux come in all shapes and sizes. Their outlook and experiences are as varied as the publishing industry they serve. Around the table at the end of July sat the MDs of some of the UK’s leading bureaux, invited by iSUBSCRiBE to mull over the

By James Evelegh  |  22/09/2013

Rock Sound – our social media strategy

Rock Sound – our social media strategy

Rock Sound magazine’s enterprising use of social media was recognised with a Media Pioneer award earlier this year. Publisher Patrick Napier describes how this small independent publisher uses Twitter et al to punch way above its weight.

By Patrick Napier  |  22/09/2013

Subscription Models across a Digital World

Subscription Models across a Digital World

As the publishing business becomes more international, what can we learn from other markets around the world about how to market subscriptions? That question, writes Jim Bilton, lies at the core of a topical report from the PPA.

By Jim Bilton  |  22/09/2013

Jan-June 2013 ABCs: a media buyer’s view

Jan-June 2013 ABCs: a media buyer’s view

Print circulations continued their steady decline in the last ABC period, but, writes Jamie Higginson, the growing success publishers are enjoying across multiple platforms shows that the public still has a healthy appetite for magazine content.

By Jamie Higginson  |  17/09/2013

Supplier Q&A – How should publishers foster community and build engagement?

Supplier Q&A – How should publishers foster community and build engagement?

The Supplier Q&A for the July / August 2013 issue of InPublishing magazine was, How should publishers foster community and build engagement? It was answered by Oscar Carlsson of Cint, Andy Guy of Circdata, Andrew Perry-Smith of Linkz and Richard Step

By Supplier Q&A  |  23/07/2013

Come talk to us

Come talk to us

Are you talking to Mail Publisher Solutions? If you are a consumer magazine publisher, particularly if you are targeting the female or middle England markets and want to acquire more readers, then, says MPS’s Tracey Hart, you should be! If you are a

By James Evelegh  |  23/07/2013

How to Talk to Social Media Users on Different Social Networks

How to Talk to Social Media Users on Different Social Networks

The social networks are where a lot of our readers spend a lot of their time, so clearly publishers need to be there too. But simply being there is not enough, writes Amanda MacArthur. You need to make sure you fit in!

By Amanda MacArthur  |  23/07/2013

Search – New Rules for the Same Old Game

Search – New Rules for the Same Old Game

With so much publisher focus now centred on apps and paywalls, it is tempting to think of ‘search’ as so last decade. Surely, it’s one less thing to worry about? This would be a mistake, writes Amanda Watlington, because the search game continues to

By Amanda Watlington  |  23/07/2013

Mike Ironside - interview

Mike Ironside - interview

With the plethora of new reading devices and the consequent audience fragmentation, the task of measuring readership has become a mightily complicated one. The National Readership Survey took a big step forward last September with the release of PADD

By Ray Snoddy  |  15/07/2013

Taking the Newsstand's Pulse

Taking the Newsstand's Pulse

Amid a mood of growing urgency, writes Karlene Lukovitz, this year's Retail Marketplace conference (held in mid-June in Philadelphia) featured some notably frank discussion of the challenges facing the US newsstand business and what can be done to st

By Karlene Lukovitz  |  06/07/2013

Managing the Digital Channel

Managing the Digital Channel

This time two years’ ago, writes Julian Thorne, the penetration of tablets in the UK stood at 2%. Now, it has cleared 20% and continues to rise fast - fast. Add in exploding smartphone usage and a constant flow of new devices and it all adds up to cr

By Julian Thorne  |  19/05/2013

Where content marketers go wrong – six top tips for brands

Where content marketers go wrong – six top tips for brands

Big brands are expanding their content marketing budgets, and using it to build a direct relationship with the consumer. Julia Hutchison looks at what the brands need to do to ensure that budget is well spent.

By Julia Hutchison  |  26/04/2013

Any Questions – Rebekah Billingsley

Any Questions – Rebekah Billingsley

Last week, Rebekah Billingsley presented a webinar for InPublishing, entitled ‘How to Measure the Success of Your Digital Magazine - the main KPIs and how to measure them.’ In the Q&A session that followed, we ran out of time. Here, Rebekah provides

By Rebekah Billingsley  |  19/04/2013

25 market-tested copy tricks to tune up your landing page and get it selling

25 market-tested copy tricks to tune up your landing page and get it selling

Web visitors are like horses, says copywriter Andy Maslen. You can lead them to water but you can’t (always) get them to drink. Here are his 25 top tips to convert visitors into customers.

By Andy Maslen  |  18/03/2013

July-Dec 2012 ABCs: a media buyer’s view

July-Dec 2012 ABCs: a media buyer’s view

In general, the circulation of printed magazines is down. But the point is, says Jamie Higginson, it really doesn’t matter. Publishers shouldn’t be stressing particularly over the performance of one of their platforms, but should see it all as part o

By Jamie Higginson  |  18/03/2013

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