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New Panellists for Press Distribution Review Panel

The Press Distribution Review Panel (PDRP) meeting on 27th November 2014 welcomed a number of new panellists.

The PDRP is made up of newspaper, magazine, wholesale and retail representatives and the new panel is as follows:

* Mark Gilhespie NMA (formerly NPA)

* Rajiv Chotai Retailer Based Chatham

* Mark Pardon PPA

* Paresh Vyas Retailer Based Manchester

* Debbie Dalston Smiths News

* Steve Archer Retailer Based Nottingham

* Linda Gardner Menzies Distribution

* Graham Read Retailer Based Bucks

The Press Distribution Charter sets out the standards that, retailers of newspapers and magazines, whatever their size or location, should expect to receive from wholesalers and publishers. It improves efficiency and helps retailers provide a better service to their customers, says the PDRP.

The Charter helps retailers to resolve most problems quickly and effectively; however, in the event that problems are more serious or persistent, the Charter is supported by a complaints resolution process that includes independent arbitration.

The complaints resolution process and compliance to the Charter is overseen by the PDRP. Through the review process, supply chain performance is monitored and the results published.

PDRP Chairman, Neil Robinson, "The newspaper and magazine's self-regulatory system helps ensure that the minimum supply standards set out in the Press Distribution Charter are maintained, thereby facilitating the efficiency of the supply chain. Through the collection, auditing and publishing of complaint data the Press Distribution Review Panel monitors each performance area within the chain and provides comment on identified trends, thereby ensuring the maximum transparency for the scheme. In its first three years the panel worked hard in a constructive way and managed to bring about positive changes that enhanced the process. I am confident that our new colleagues will continue the good work and in doing so achieve greater accountability and better performance management.”