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New Chair for Press Distribution Forum

With effect from 1 January 2015, Simon Gage takes over as Chairman of the Press Distribution Forum (PDF) on behalf of the ANMW from Mike Mirams, who has held the position through 2014 for the PPA.

Chairmanship of the PDF rotates between the member associations.

Mike Mirams commented, “The PDF plays a vital role at the heart of our industry and I am delighted to have represented the PPA as Chairman for the last 12 months. I know Simon will lead us through the next year diligently and with great integrity. I wish him every success.”

Simon Gage responded with, “Mike Mirams has been an excellent Chairman over the last year, moving forward the PDF agenda including discussions with the NFRN over issues facing the industry. I am very pleased that Mike will continue on the PDF Committee and that we will benefit from his vast industry knowledge and experience. I share Mike’s vision of the PDF’s role in maintaining high service standards across the supply chain in order to protect the consumers’ access to newspapers and magazines and hope I can continue the progress made by Mike in the year ahead.”

About the Press Distribution Forum (PDF)

The PDF says: The purpose of the Press Distribution Forum is to provide a self regulated forum for associations and companies involved in the supply and distribution of newspapers and magazines and to ensure the continuation of a diverse and plural press with its widespread availability to retailers and consumers.

The Association Members are:

* News Media Association (NMA)

* Professional Publishers Association (PPA)

* Association of Newspaper and Magazine Wholesalers (ANMW)

The Press Distribution Forum Board Members are:

Simon Gage - Chairman

Mike Newman - NMA

Bob Steadman - NMA

Mike Mirams - PPA

Nicola Rowe - PPA

David Cooke - MD

Dorothy King - Administrator